Produced by The Orvis Company and hosted by Tom Rosenbauer, author of The Orvis Fly-Fishing Guide, this podcast will provide you with tips on how to get the most of your time on the water.
Produced by The Orvis Company and hosted by Tom Rosenbauer, author of The Orvis Fly-Fishing Guide, this podcast will provide you with tips on how to get the most of your time on the water. Read more about Orvis at
Many of our trout waters run through agricultural areas. We need food and clean water and we’d like to fish for trout in these waters, but sometimes these things don’t play well together. It’s when all user groups get together and come up with solutions that we have the best of both worlds. Cameron Aker [39:29] is the Outreach Coordinator for the Driftless Region of Iowa, and in this week’s podcast he tells us how farmers, landowners, Trout Unlimited, and various government agencies have worked together to manage the land for food production while protecting sensitive coldwater fisheries. You’ll learn how they do this, who funds the work, and how you can look into starting a similar initiative in your area. In the Fly Box this week, we have the usual roundup of basic questions, good tips, and more advanced questions, including:
- How do I know when it’s appropriate to use resin instead of head cement?
- I am very new to fly fishing and want to keep my initial fly selection simple. Do you think that’s a good idea?
- Is it a good idea to tie a sacrificial mono loop at the end of my fly line to preserve the loop?
- What size dry flies do you use in the East for dry/dropper rigs?
- Are there more “vintage” Orvis reels that you still use?
- Are there notable distinctions between the various kinds of dubbing?
- I saw a single caddisfly on the snow recently. Is this unusual?
- I had something snap my 12-pound fluorocarbon tippet in a clean break while fishing in salt water. What could have caused this?
- What do you keep on your fly tying desk, other than the typical tools and materials?
- What should I bring for a traveling fly-tying kit?
- Great tips from a listener on how to lessen backache when tying flies.
- How do you target cold, high rivers?