Outdoor Secrets Unwrapped TV Show – A Blast from the Past


In the episode of (A Blast from the Past) host, Chris Bates talks with Kelly Sorenson of the Heavy Shot Company all about their shotshells. Then Chris talks with Tracy Lind about the Appilation Trail at Bennington Vermont Trailfest, and finally, Chris talks with Vermont State Senator Brian Campion all about The Walloomsac River restoration after Hurricane Irene all here on this Top-Rated TV Show

Outdoor Secrets Unwrapped TV Show – A Blast from the Past2023-10-20T10:57:16+00:00

Outdoor Secrets Unwrapped TV Show – Rockport Maine (Maine Sport Outfitters,Owls Head Maine (Lobsters) Starlight Lodges


Host Chris Bates travels to the Vacationland state (Maine and he heads to Main Sport Outfitters and talks with Stephen Hand, Then Chris Heads off to Owls Head and talks with Alex Knight at the Owls Head Lobster Company, Then to Starlight Lodges to talk all about their various properties.



Outdoor Secrets Unwrapped TV Show – Rockport Maine (Maine Sport Outfitters,Owls Head Maine (Lobsters) Starlight Lodges2023-09-13T15:37:31+00:00
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