ADVENTURES AFIELD – Dropping a Deer at 75 yards with an Airgun


It was my first time hunting in Kentucky when I was invited by Justin Long, a resident Kentucky airgunner. He invited me to hunt with him Nov of 2018 on Family property. I used my BIG TEX .457. Its a Airforce Airguns .457 Texan that has been highly customized. I was using 330 grain BHD bullets. Topped with an Athlon Optics Ares scope, BKL rings and sporting a Maddog stock. I dropped this young nub buck whitetail at 75 yards



ADVENTURES AFIELD – Dropping a Deer at 75 yards with an Airgun2023-03-01T13:34:32+00:00

ADVENTURES AFIELD – Deer Shot at 140 yards with Airforce Airguns Texan "Big Tex"


2018 deer season in Missouri was a success as I shot my furthest deer yet at 140 yards with my Airforce Airguns Texan 457 Big Tex.
The BHD 330 grain cup nose did its job and took down this nice buck on the Cook farm. A special thanks to Brian Cook and the Cook Family for making this happen.
knife by



ADVENTURES AFIELD – Deer Shot at 140 yards with Airforce Airguns Texan "Big Tex"2023-03-01T13:31:59+00:00

ADVENTURES AFIELD – Bill’s First Airgun Deer Hunt


I joined my friend Bill Dempsey at his cabin in Arkansas for his first airgun deer hunt. Arkansas recently opened airguns for deer with the guidelines of a min of .40 cal and 400 foot lbs of energy. Bill was shooting my 457 cal airgun with the Aeromagnum 259 grn bullets. These bullets can be purchased at Airguns of Texas.



ADVENTURES AFIELD – Bill’s First Airgun Deer Hunt2023-03-01T13:28:13+00:00
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